We are two weeks into the New Year and it's no surprise that I am writing you while amidst another cleanse. Shocked? You shouldn't be. Oh, and I am also writing you from Seattle Bouldering Project.
I must confess, the end of the year revealed many challenges to me (relocating a loved pet, general body frustrations)... This is the first time I am really struggling with commitment. Committing to fitness. Committing to a healthy and conscious diet. Committing to myself.
I have just completed my first day on a 3-Day Detox suggested by the documentary and website Hungry For Change. So far I feel more energetic than I have on other detoxes. This one is filled with nutrient dense raw fruits and veggies. And you get to eat these fruits and veggies... Not just drink them!
Twice today I felt a faint/dull headache. Slightly lethargic. All-in-all, this cleanse is doable. The prep is not as extensive as other programs that I have seen. The most tedious food to prep is pressing finely grated ginger. The food- a tasty Japanese inspired salad and bountiful veggie soup, is tasty.
I am hoping this short (doable) cleanse will help reset my body and get my cravings back under control. After all, this journey is rooted in a quest and rediscovery of control over my life and my body. I hope, this time, I will be successful.